
✶緊握扶手、站穩踏階……還有請勿行走? Standing on the Right and Passing on the Left?

Standing on the Right and Passing on the Left?
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緊握扶手、站穩踏階……還有請勿行走? Standing on the Right and Passing on the Left?
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  City life moves fast, and escalators are a lifesaver for busy commuters. __1__ It is widely believed that this practice keeps traffic flowing smoothly and avoids congestion.

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  While on the road, drivers of slower vehicles are required to remain within the outside lane so that those traveling at faster speeds may pass in the inside lane. Similar to traffic lanes that separate vehicles driving at different speeds, this convention on escalators allows for both efficiency and courtesy. __2__ This system reflects an unspoken understanding that facilitates shared use of the space.

  However, the city of Nagoya, Japan, has recently implemented a law prohibiting walking on escalators entirely. This means that as soon as anyone gets on an escalator, they have to remain stationary. __3__ Besides, a study in Tokyo found that having everyone stand still on escalators, rather than allowing some to walk, actually increases overall efficiency. It’s because when people walk on escalators, they disrupt the flow of traffic and create bottlenecks. This can slow down everyone, including those who are walking. __4__

  Since this law was only recently enacted, there are no statistics to back up if it has helped reduce the number of accidents or improve the flow on escalators. Ultimately, maintaining a smooth flow and ensuring everyone’s safety are key aspects of escalator etiquette. Whether standing or passing, being mindful of others leads to a more pleasant experience for all.



(A)  An unwritten rule on escalators in many places is to stand on the right and pass on the left.

(B)  In contrast, if all passengers stand still, the traffic flow tends to be smoother and more organized.

(C)  The decision was made due to safety concerns arising from accidents caused by people rushing up and down escalators.

(D)  Those who prefer to stand can rest when moving, while those in a hurry can easily pass on the left without bothering anyone.



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   City life moves fast, and escalators are a lifesaver for busy commuters. An unwritten rule on escalators in many places is to stand on the right and pass on the left. It is widely believed that this practice keeps traffic flowing smoothly and avoids congestion.

  While on the road, drivers of slower vehicles are required to remain within the outside lane so that those traveling at faster speeds may pass in the inside lane. Similar to traffic lanes that separate vehicles driving at different speeds, this convention on escalators allows for both efficiency and courtesy. Those who prefer to stand can rest when moving, while those in a hurry can easily pass on the left without bothering anyone. This system reflects an unspoken understanding that facilitates shared use of the space.

  However, the city of Nagoya, Japan, has recently implemented a law prohibiting walking on escalators entirely. This means that as soon as anyone gets on an escalator, they have to remain stationary. The decision was made due to safety concerns arising from accidents caused by people rushing up and down escalators. Besides, a study in Tokyo found that having everyone stand still on escalators, rather than allowing some to walk, actually increases overall efficiency. It’s because when people walk on escalators, they disrupt the flow of traffic and create bottlenecks. This can slow down everyone, including those who are walking. In contrast, if all passengers stand still, the traffic flow tends to be smoother and more organized.

  Since this law was only recently enacted, there are no statistics to back up if it has helped reduce the number of accidents or improve the flow on escalators. Ultimately, maintaining a smooth flow and ensuring everyone’s safety are key aspects of escalator etiquette. Whether standing or passing, being mindful of others leads to a more pleasant experience for all.


Words in Use
n. 通勤者
n. 擁塞;擠滿
n. n. 慣例,習俗;大會,會議(可數)
n. 禮貌
vt. 促進,幫助
vt. 實施
vt. 禁止(以名詞或動名詞作受詞)
a. . 固定的
vt. 中斷,擾亂
vt. 實施
adv. 最終,最後
a. 注意的,留神的
Extra Words
n. 救生員
a. 整體的,大致的
n. 瓶頸,障礙
n. 禮節,禮儀
Practical Phrases
allow for

The design of the system allows for secure transactions.

back up... / back... up

This theory needs to be backed up with more data.

You need to back up your important files regularly.

be mindful of

We have to be mindful of our actions and their consequences at all times. 

1.    第一題空格應選 (A)


a.    本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前一句提到手扶梯對忙碌的通勤者來說宛若救世主,而空格後一句提到某個做法被認為能夠讓行人往來順暢且避免阻塞,可推測空格應提到一個與手扶梯相關的做法或慣例,且與行人往來有關。

b.    選項 (A) 表示,許多地方的手扶梯上都有個潛規則,就是右側站立、左側通行,語意連貫,且後一句提到的 this practice(這個做法)即是指選項中的 An unwritten rule(潛規則):右側站立、左側通行,此與在手扶梯上的行人往來有關,和後一句的往來順暢、避免阻塞互相呼應,可知答案應選 (A)。

2.    第二題空格應選 (D)


a.    本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前一句提到手扶梯上右側站立、左側通行的傳統同時有效率又有禮,而空格後一句提到這樣的制度反映了促進共用空間使用的默契,可推測空格應進一步說明這樣的傳統是如何增進效率,或如何有助於搭乘者在使用此共用空間時的禮貌互動。

b.    選項 (D) 表示,想要站著的人在移動中可以休息,而那些趕時間的人則可以在不干擾任何人的情況下輕易地從左邊通過,語意連貫,指出不同需求的搭乘者可以自由選擇在右側站立或從左側行走而不打擾任何人,這是每個人對於促進共用空間使用的默契,可知答案應選 (D)。

3.    第三題空格應選 (C)


a.    本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前提到日本名古屋市最近實行了一項全面禁止在手扶梯上行走的法規,而空格後一句使用有承接意味的轉折詞 Besides(此外)開頭,說明了研究發現,在手扶梯上靜止不動,對於整體效率反而更高,這是一項支持禁止在手扶梯上行走的原因,可推測空格亦應是在敘述實行該法規的理由。

b.    選項 (C) 表示,這項決定是起因於人們在手扶梯上趕上趕下造成意外所導致的安全考量,語意連貫,說明了實行該法規的原因,且選項中的 The decision(這項決定)指的即是空格前述名古屋全面禁止在手扶梯行走的法規,可知答案應選 (C)。

4.    第四題空格應選 (B)


a.    本空格在測試對段落語意發展的掌握,空格前提到研究發現,在手扶梯上站立不動的效率比右側站立、左側通行的整體效率更高,且接著解釋在手扶梯上通行會造成的問題,可推測空格應接續說明與通行造成的問題相比,站立不動可帶來什麼樣的好處,或是如何避免產生問題。

b.    選項 (B) 表示,相反地,如果所有的乘客都站著不動,交通動線往往就會更順暢且更有組織,語意連貫,提出站著不動的狀況,進一步支持前面提過的,在手扶梯上站立不動的整體效率更高,可知答案應選 (B)。

stand still  站著不動

•   Stand still while I take your photo.


此片語中的 still 作形容詞用,意思為「靜止的,不動的」,still 亦可作副詞用,介紹如下:

a.    表「仍然」:

•   Many people are still trapped in the burning building.


b.    表「儘管如此,雖然那樣,然而」:

•   We worked so hard, but we still lost the race.


c.    用於強調,表「更加」:

•   Today, some cars are completely electric, but hybrids that use both gas and electricity are still more common.


d.    表「還要……」:

       better / worse still  

       (比前面所提到的事物)更好 ∕ 更糟的是

•   Let’s go to the park. Better still, grab the frisbee so we can toss it around there.








答案:   1.    A    2.    D    3.    C    4.    B

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